Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The age of my oldest daughter. The time that I usually start making lunch in the morning. I am usually asleep by this time in the evening. But that is not what this entry is about. I think the scale at the doctor's office was broken or something. I should have made them prove to me that it was balanced. After all, I did have the last appointment of the day and how many other hefty women had been on that scale. After all, I have been working out to a modified "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred" DVD. Never mind eating half a chocolate cake last week (which did have zucchini and pumpkin in it) and half a dozen cookies on both Saturday and Sunday, or the chocolate icing I made and ate half of (that "eat half diet" is not working for me). If I do a work out that balances out my calorie intake, right? Apparently not. So, yes, I gained 11 pounds in 2 weeks, I did not think that was physically possible unless you are on the "Super size Me" diet and ate EVERY single meal at McD's (is that saying eating at my house is worse?). Maybe they should do an ultrasound and make sure there isn't a tumor the size of a large Easter ham on the inside of my belly. UGH!! Oh well, I know I do need to take better care of myself. I think my one friend, Macey, totally had the right philosophy as she snacked on a bag of chocolate chips while we were driving somewhere. She said, "By eating just the chocolate chips I am eating what I really want. If I were eating them in cookies, then I would be getting all of the added flour, sugar, butter, and other stuff, when all I really want is the chocolate." So, I think I am stopping my plan of only eating chocolate chips when they are in something, and going back to eating them straight from the bag. I have to give Kudos to my dear husband. When I told him my issue rather than saying the common sense "man answer" which I though would be, "Well, then don't eat so much." He said, "That just means there is more of you to love. You look FINE." (He could have said Phat, the good phat, the cool phat, but chose a better word) There will be much more to love because I still have 12 weeks left. He didn't start singing, "I Love You Just the Way You Are", which is ok, I liked his answer better.


controlling craziness said...

I agree those scales are not accurate. I supposedly lost 5 pounds in less than 24 hours according to their scales. Although it was 2 different scales. Earlier in my pregnancy I gained 7 pounds in 2 weeks and that was using the same scale so I think that is more realistic. Oh, and your husband is great, definitly knows the right thing to say.

Macey said...

Kristen, I'm so glad you are blogging. I have to say, I ate a lot from your house and I have yet to lose weight since you left. So you are definitely better than McDonalds. I can't believe you would even compare yourself to such a place. Glad to be of service on the chocolate chip consumption. Now if only I could come up with such an analogy for the amount of Cadbury Eggs I've been consuming. Easter must end soon.