Monday, March 29, 2010

Chicken Sandwiches - Smothered in whatever you want

These are awesome and easy to make, especially with left over chicken. If I were planning a menu I would cook twice as much chicken for one meal and then save some for these sandwiches. This would be an awesome way to eat grilled chicken too. I topped mine with bacon, sauteed onion and yellow peppers, mozzarella cheese, BBQ sauce, and a special mayo. These were so good, I don't think you can even see the chicken in the sandwiches in this picture. (No, you can't because for some reason I can't get the photo to upload, oh well. Check back later for a photo). AND (A tip for cooking bacon. I cook mine on a rimmed cookie sheet in the oven. Heat oven to 375 to 400 degrees and cook bacon until done, about 20 minutes. Check it every 7 minutes or so. It is so much easier than doing it on the stove.)

Enough chicken to make the number of sandwiches you want. I made 6 and probably used about 1 pound (my little ones don't eat a whole lot on theirs and prefer the roll to the meat anyway.)
Smothering toppings-
Sauteed veggies
BBQ sauce
Mayo (about 1/4 cup with 1 tsp lemon juice, 2 tsp of paprika, and salt and pepper added in)

Heat up chicken. Assemble sandwiches however you want. Have plenty of napkins around, there may be a few drips. Enjoy.

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