Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Winner of "The Abyss of the Purse" Contest is...

Macey. Thanks for your guess of 27. I had 17 complete pens, and 1 pen that was in pieces for a total of 18 pens in my purse. The sad thing is that if I was somewhere and I needed a pen I didn't think I had one, so I would ask to borrow one (I would give it back to whoever). My purse is so light now and I have to check to make sure my wallet is in it because it is so empty. Macey, email me your address and I will send you the coupons and another coupon I got for 1/2 pound of fudge from a place in Lake Geneva from our realtor.

1 comment:

Macey said...

Yea!! I won. I'll send you my e-mail.