Friday, March 5, 2010

My Friday Night Secret Love - Phineas and Ferb

Three cartoon characters, one female and two boys, in front of a gray triangular background. The green-haired boy is playing a guitar and the red-haired boy is kneeling with his arms extended. The girl looks angrily to the side.

Friday night is "Star Wars - The Clone Wars" night at our house. Our world stops at 9:00 pm, and most of our kids make it until then, for episodes of "SWTCW". I, however, look forward to what comes before that, "Phineas and Ferb" on Disney Channel. I have to confess I love those two little fellas and the inventions they come up with. I love Perry the Platypus and how he foils all of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's EEEvil plots to take over the tri-state area, and how Agent P. ruins Dr. D.'s "inators". And I love crazy Candace, always looking for ways to bust her brothers. Pathetic, right? But I am a sucker for a cartoon that I laugh at more than the kids. We have the CD for season one and listen to it all of the time in the car. We all go into doing "the robot" when the "Phineas and Ferb-ots" song comes on and sing the "Love Handle" songs at the top of our lungs. I also enjoy "I'm Fabulous" which is what I start singing to my kids when they are all spiffied up and ready for church. I know it is pathetic, but I really do enjoy our Friday night ritual. "Phineas and Ferb", "AFV", and "SWTCW". It is tradition, right? Building memories, or mom is just too tired to do much else and we all need to veg for a little while. Last night Mike took the older 3 kids to the movies. I watched a few P & F episodes while making cookies, even after my 3 year old fell asleep, I watched the new episode. P & F and cookie dough, what could be better? Probably a lot, but I enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey, it's family time. Before too long the kids won't want to do anything with us, so I say enjoy it while it lasts!