Saturday, March 27, 2010

5 A DAY - not today

Yeah, it was one of those days. I normally try to serve my children fresh veggies with each meal, which they gobble down and always ask for more. Not quite. Many of you who are my friends know that I have a rep for sneaking veggies into almost anything, so bad, that the boys at church would ask what was in the cookies I made before they ate them. Today I was on "survival mode", so I didn't really care about the kids getting their 5 servings of fruits and veggies, but lets just see how we did (if you are grandparents of my children or a pediatrician you can stop
Breakfast- cereal, not the sugared kind, but not whole grain - whatever. They got some grains and milk.
Lunch - Ham and cheese sandwiches on white rolls, served with apple slices that no one ate. (I think I forgot to give them a drink with lunch, oops)
Snack- Easter egg hunt at church. Rather than rationing the candy, I told them to eat as much as they want, get rid of it so that it is gone. I am sure they had 10 to 15 servings of candy today, oh well. They did get some protein in the peanut butter eggs, that's good, right???
Dinner - "Burned hot dogs" (what my 5 year old calls cooking hot dogs over a campfire) on a white roll, potato chips, pickles, ketchup, and juice boxes (which were 100% juice, YES!!).
Snack - More candy. I am wondering when the sugar coma will set in.

So, if I count the pickles, ketchup, and potato chips, that is 3 veggies, plus the juice box equals 4 (fruits and veggies total). If I go back to last night and count the chocolate cake to which I added zucchini and pumpkin, they had more than 5 fruits and veggies in a 24 hour period. And, a couple of kids had some bananas too. See, it was not so bad after all. Tomorrow will be better. I don't feed my kids like this everyday, just every other day (just kidding, they wish though).

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