Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What Not to Wear - Come to my house, I'll show you.

If Clinton and Stacey came to my house they would have so much to mock. My sister, Kate, loves to see what my kids are wearing when she comes to visit, it gives her a laugh. She was so nice to buy them all some new clothes a few weeks ago. I had a friend who had many kids and they never matches or had well worn clothes on. I never said anything or thought a whole lot about it. Now that I have a full house, if we are not going to church and the kids are
not going to school, I
am not picky about what they wear. I need to be better about it, but I am not there yet. So, here are some of our fashion blunders.

My daughter came down ready to go out to lunch with this hot number. She also likes to wear all black. She has an outfit she calls her "spy clothes". Black shirt and shorts, add these babies to them and she is looking mighty stylish, NOT. We are working on matching outfits better because she goes to school next year.

When I tell my son to get dressed, 9 times out of 10 he puts
his clothes on backwards. It is especially entertaining when he has pants with a drawstring. It looks like he has a tail. We are working on it. Honestly, I am just glad he has clothes on most of the time.

My other son loves his winter boots. He insists on wearing them to school ,
everyday. I check his pack to make sure he is taking his shoes with him and he tells me that he does change into them at school. There is still quite a bit of snow on the ground, so I let him wear the boots. I always crack up because it reminds me of "Napoleon Dynamite" and his rockin' moon boots.

Last, but not least, me. I used to work at "The Gap" in high school, but judging by the clothes in my closet you would never guess that (my clothes are organized and folded like at the Gap, not by color though). Granted, I am 6 months pregnant and so none of my more stylish clothes fit (and I refuse to buy new big clothes because I am determined to get back to what I was wearing 6 months ago). But, my favorite shoes in the world to wear are my bright orange "Crocks" I have some brown ones too. I know they look so tacky, but seriously, they are the most comfortable things to grace my feet. I wear them with my running socks and my feet are so happy.

So, there you have it our fashion blunders. If you come to our house just go in the bathroom to laugh at us and please don't take pictures with your phone to send to everyone. I have already published plenty here.


Aunt Tate said...

You forgot to mention the "Hot Cocoa" shirt and the cat leggings. Do I need to mention more?

Janene said...

I don't know. I personally like the striped leg warmers and the black Mary Janes. I thought that was pretty stylin.

Macey said...

Why are there pictures of all the other fashion boo boo's but not of the crocks? Can't see your feet to take the picture? I don't know why!!

kristen said...

Sometimes it doesn't let me post more than 3 pics, don't know why. I will get one up of the crocks, I went to the school today and had to pry my feet out of my crocks and into my stylish black shoes (very un-crockish). My feet were not very happy, but looked much nicer than in bright orange.