Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Red Brick, Mini-kit, and "I have to finish the level" -Wii Lego Star Wars

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The Wii, "Lego Star Wars", and "Lego Indiana Jones" (My family is full of Wii "Lego Maniacs"). We got the Wii two Christmases ago and it has been a hit with the kids and husband. In fact, one of the reasons that I call my husband, "my sometimes other kid" is because he loves playing with the kids so much (I really don't mean any disrespect by this, he is just a big kid sometimes, and I LOVE that about him. It helps me not to take myself too seriously). Sometimes, our Wii is on for 3 hours at a time because everyone wants to play a "level" with dad. I need a dictionary to translate the Wii speak from these two games sometimes. I know that the "red bricks" and "mini kits" are important, you can get "score times 8" if you have enough "studs", and invinciblity is really cool. I think sometimes your guys can become ghosts too. It is fun to see the kids get so excited as they higher scores and "buy more stuff". But, I really have no clue how to play it and fake the understanding and excitement for their Wii achievements. Whatever happened to "Pacman", "Donkey Kong", and "Pitfall"? I tried playing "LSW" with my 3 year old and killed his character a few times and then kept running in the wrong door. I almost had a panic attack and was freaked out when the remote started vibrating in my hand. I am totally lame when it comes to the Wii, but it is great that it entertains the kids for so long, especially on rainy days. It is a great motivator and reward too. I did get the Wii fit for Christmas, and it has been used a lot by the kids. I didn't think I could do a lot of the exercises because my balance is off right now and I am severely lacking flexibility. I think I need to make a rule that for every 1/2 hour they play the other Wii games, they need to play on the Wii fit for 20 minutes. The weather is starting to turn now (50 degrees this weekend, I LOVE it) and it is time to break out the baseball mitts. The Wii will get a rest.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sounds a lot like conversations at our house! Got to love the Wii!