Saturday, April 3, 2010

It Could Be Worse...He Could Have...

This is how I think when my 3 year old my does something that bugs me. I try to think this, rather than getting mad at him (most of the time, it does not always work). He never ceases to surprise me. Actually, I guess he does cease to surprise me because when he does something like this I just roll my eyes now and go get the camera. This afternoon was so nice outside I sent the kids out in their swimsuits and splashy clothes and let them play in the creek near our house. It tires them out, they take an early bath before dinner and then are ready to sleep by 7. Works like magic. It is very marshy in our backyard right now, so rather than wearing shoes, my son goes barefoot. I am ok with it, just wash him off before he comes in and carry him to the bath. He decided he was going to wash his feet off himself. We have a hose out there, but rather than turning it on, he dumped his lemonade from the bottle on his feet. I asked him what he did (hoping that the puddle at his feet was water, rather than pee) and he says, "What, I washed my feet off with my lemonade?" The way he said it was "Duh, Mom, we always bathe in lemonade." So, when he does stuff like this I try to think, "It could be worse". I guess he could have peed on his feet in an effort to wash himself off (I am sure that will happen later in the week, as he is still adventurous when relieving himself.) That would have been way worse.

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