Friday, April 9, 2010

The Government Should Hire Us

A couple of weeks ago I decided we would take a trip to the dairy to get some ice cream as a treat. I did manage to fix the shirt my 3 year old had put on backwards. However, as he was running into the dairy I noticed his pants were on backwards. Oh well. We ordered our ice cream without incident, and then it began. My 3 year old climbed up on the table where there is a puzzle that the workers put together when they are not busy, starts taking the pieces apart. Note to self - I need to order his ice cream first next time. As we are finishing ordering a young couple walks in. I have my 21 month old on my hip, my prego belly sticking way out and 4 other kids slurping up ice cream, with my mom there helping as well. I could just see the pity in their eyes. I got my shake and went to the table. My 21 month old decided she wanted to hold the shake, which I tell her, "no" and gave her a spoon. She decided to throw a fit, laid on the floor, screamed at the top of her lungs, tried to push over a chair. What a nice family outing, right? The young couple went outside. When we are about done my 9 year old decided he wanted to get goat food for everyone to feed the goats, very nice of him. So, we went to feed the goats, my 21 MO still screaming and on my hip. I put her down and let her roll around on the grass, continuing to throw this tantrum. Finally, when I was done I picked her up and took her to the car. I looked over and the young couple just stared at me. I seriously think we put a damper on their romantic outing to the Mennonite dairy. They will think twice about having unprotected sex, let alone 6 kids.
Another incident involved getting my 11 year old her passport to go on a trip with one of her grandmothers this summer. We only had 4 kids with us this time. She was well behaved, but the youngest three acted like they had just all had a 32 oz. Mountain Dew. My 3 year old was break dancing, doing "the spin" on his back on the floor. They were playing tag, I was so thankful we were the only ones in the office and very glad my husband was there to help. I thought the passport lady was going to volunteer to give all of us free passports and get us out of the country. She was very polite about it, but the kids were CRAZY.
Seriously, instead of funding planned parenthood and abortions, the government could hire us to follow people around Walmart, or go into McDonalds, or try to pick a video at the red box (I don't bring anyone with me any more for that one) or any of the other everyday things that I don't like to do when I have everyone with me. But, if they came to our house for the campfire we had last night, or for family scripture study (most of the time), or when the kids are working really well together, they might think that a houseful is not so bad. I wouldn't trade any of them. They all bring something important and vital to our family. I hope this new one arriving in June knows what she is getting herself into. It is going to be a bumpy ride. I remember watching the movie "Parenthood" and the wife telling the husband that life is like a roller coaster and that is what makes it fun and Steve Martin just looking at her like, I want to get off this ride. We are in it for the long haul. At the end he realized that too, and it is worth it.


Taylor Swim said...

That is classic kid moves! Your kids are just amping it up to prepare you for your next one. I can totally picture all of your stories because I have lots to match. Someday they'll be old enough to have civil conversations and rational decisions that don't include physical reactions.

Macey said...

I soooo miss those crazy outings with you. SAM's club just does not hold the same draw for me anymore. Kristen, will you e-mail me your new phone #'s. My cell phone with your #'s in it is now in some strangers possession who thought it was funny to let me know she has my phone.

I miss you and the family.

mommaruch said...

Been there - Done that! Mom

Heather said...
