Saturday, April 10, 2010

"Mom, You're Not Doing That Exercise Right!!"

I like to get up in the morning and do a workout video, I have mentioned before "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred", still have yet to feel shredded, but I do feel stronger. I do it in the morning because usually no one is awake and trying to talk to me as I am sucking wind and sweating bullets trying to keep up with the 3 totally fit trainers who do the workout. However, the past couple of times my 5 year old daughter and 3 year old son have been up and laid down on the couch to watch me workout (probably much more entertaining than any show they have watched, including America's Funniest Videos"). I modify the workout so that when they do the really bouncy stuff I just march in place, so yes, it is quite different than what they are doing. These are the comments I get from these two nuts of mine (that I love dearly):
"Mom, why aren't you doing that exercise like her?"
"Mom, why aren't their bellies really big like yours?"
"Mom, her but is not big like yours."
"Mom, you are doing that wrong."
"Mom, why is she wearing that shirt?"
"How come that girl is brown?" (we live in a VERY, VERY rural area).
I also have times when doing girly pushups and my 3 year old tries to climb in between my arms, saying, "Hi Mommy" or they try to do the workout with me, stealing my weights when I am not using them. Not distracting at all, right? Working out in peace and quiet has become a novelty, like going to the bathroom without anyone opening the door (because I cannot remember to lock it until I am sitting on the pot), or taking a shower without anyone knocking and asking if they can watch TV before they eat breakfast or are ready for school (is the answer ever different?). Someday my nirvana of a workout in peace will come, but not anytime soon. That's OK, just so I can get some time in.
Updated 4/16 - the other day my 3 year old told me that the girls on the TV were jumping like penguins. As I am sucking wind our conversation was like this: "Mom, those dirls are like penguins. They look like they are flying. Do penguins fly?" "No, breath, breath, penguins don't fly." "Mom, why don't penguins fly?" "Because their wings don't (breath, breath) work like that." "Why, Mom?" "Go ask your (breath, breath) Dad." He was so fascinated with penguins NOT flying.


Heather said...

I love it. I was just having similar issues at my house! James (18 months) wanted me to hold him on Tuesday while I was working out. Not much actually got acomplished! Someday we will be able to workout in peace, all alone, with no comments from the peanut gallery!

Taylor Swim said...

You are such a trooper. Just think, what goes around comes around. Someday you can sit and watch them work out and make all the comments you want. I'm just impressed that you still find time to work out. You go girl!