Friday, February 19, 2010

Triple T: Tomato, and Turkey on Toast. My new favorite afternoon snack.

I am really, really, really trying not to just graze on junk all afternoon after I have eaten a good meal. I realize I have got to change that bad habit. My mom was just diagnosed with Diabetes this year and my dad just got a heart stint put in. I have also gained way more weight than I should have by this time in my pregnancy (I am about 22 weeks along and weigh more than I did when I delivered my last 4 children). In order to avoid either of those problems my snacking habit has got to change. So, instead of reaching for the chocolate chips, or left over applesauce cake I made a different snack. I am trying not to be bored this afternoon, there is a ton to do, I have just been avoiding it. So, finally I turned off the radio and: cleaned 2 bathrooms, walls where there were fingerprints, all of my table and chairs with the magic eraser (I LOVE that invention), read my scriptures, worked on sharing time for our childrens class at church on Sunday, did laundry, revamped my blog layout and decided I was going to try to make yogurt in my crock pot. (Very random, but I saw it on and wanted to try it. We are out of yogurt and I have a ton of frozen fruit I can use to flavor it. I will let you all know how it turns out.) So, I kept my hands busy and out to the Neslte bag, for this afternoon anyway. I wish someone would make a "cleaner" smelling candle (bleach or windex) so that I could light it and it would always smell like I just cleaned my bathroom. Here's my new favorite afternoon snack.

Ingredients for 1:

1 slice whole grain toast


2 tomato slices

shaved or sliced turkey

sprinkle of cheese, very small, like just a few shreds. Not the fat free kind, I don't think that melts well.

Preheat oven to 375. After toasting bread and spreading mustard on it, put it on a cookie sheet or other pan. Top with turkey, tomato slices, and cheese. Bake in oven until cheese is melted. Sprinkle with salt and pepper if needed. This was very satisfying and I was no longer dying to eat my chocolate chips.

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