Sunday, February 21, 2010

Managing Chaos, Entry number 1- "What's That Sound?" Game

Ok, so I am terrible at keeping journal. I have tried several times and end up falling asleep or being tired and my writing is not readable, I am just not good at it. I don't know that it would be helpful to my posterity because it says, "I am so tired" and then there are just a bunch of scribbles that is supposed to be English, but may be interpreted a some strange hieroglyphic. So, this is my effort to keep a journal of how I try to Manage Chaos and find joy in the challenges that come with having 5 kids, one on the way, and a wonderful husband that works his bootee off, but sometimes counts as another kid. I have loved reading other people's blogs (my friend, Aleca, from Elkhorn has a great one "Leca - Unplugged", she is awesome and I miss her) and wanted to share some of my own things too.

So, this morning my son Joe (9 years old) came in and asked if he could make breakfast for himself (he loves "sunny side up" eggs). He knows how to do it so I said, "sure". He told me our dog had puked, so I got up and cleaned that up and went back to bed (what a way to wake up, right?) Then my 20 month old woke up and he got her out of her crib and brought her in. After a snuggle she left our room and went out in the rest of the house to start her adventure. David, my 3 year old, who I love to death, but is my challenge right now, came running in. He had already taken his diaper off and put his underwear on, backwards of course. (This kid does not like to be dressed and would streak through the house all day and outside if I let him). So, with 3 of 5 up (two of them are the major sources of chaos) my ears perked up a bit more. Joe fed the dog. Then there were other noises. I asked Mike what he thought the sounds were. He said legos being thrown by David, probably right. . Then it was my turn, Abby giving food to the dog. His turn, Joe finishing his eggs. My turn, Abby still feeding the dog, now she is jiggling the toilet handle (the flusher thing, sorry to any plumbers out there). TP roller in the bathroom. David playing with blocks. It went on for a few minutes. (I think I need to call into a radio station and win free movie tickets or something.) So, I go into the bathroom where we keep the dog's food, and he had been well fed by Abby. There was also a roll of TP totally unrolled, sticking out of the toilet, remarkably no water on the floor (Hallelujah!!). I guess I should just get up next time. We know that when it is quiet in our house that it is time to be concerned. I don't know what I am going to do if I ever lose my hearing.

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