Monday, February 15, 2010

Chicken and Dumplings Soup

Mike is out of town for the week at a conference, so our meals will be really simple and quick (not that I normally go all out, but the kids are kind of picky.) My friend, Juli, gave me the idea of how to make this soup. I don't have a recipe, so I just made it up. The kids like the dumpling part a lot.

Chicken broth (I just used the broth I saved from cooking all of that chicken in the CP on Friday. I added some water. You will probably need at least 6 to 8cups.)
Shredded chicken (however much you want in your soup)
Onion (I cut up my veggies, drizzled them with olive oil, and roasted them at 425 for 40 minutes stirring once. Then pureed them in the "magic bullet"
Refridgerated biscuits, cut each biscuit into sixths or eighths. (Again, use as many as you like. I used 1 roll and it was plenty)

Heat broth, cook and puree veggies. Add to broth. Add chicken and heat through, I bring mine to boil. Add biscuit dough, cover, and let soup cook until the biscuits are cooked enough (simmer about 15 minutes without lifting the lid). Serve with grilled cheese sandwiches, bread, or alone. Enjoy!!

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