Friday, February 19, 2010

"Curry in a Hurry" - Chicken Curry

I think there is a resturaunt named that in Madison, Wisconsin, I've never been there, but I like the name. This is something my husband and his family grew up eating and I love it. I have changed the recipe a bit, but it is still really good. I got the original recipe from his mom and made the changes I wanted. This is really quick if you have chicken and vegetables cooked ahead of time. I like to serve mine with rice. At the bent and dent grocery store where I LOVE to shop, they had Kasha for super cheap. It is buck wheat (the box said gluten free and wheat free, if it is gluten and wheat free why is it called buck wheat?). Anyway, I was low on rice and mixed in some of that stuff. It was really pretty good. The kids didn't complain, well one did, but the other two ate it and didn't complain. One child is sick and the baby just plays with her food half the time. Mike said it was really good too. I like to top it with fresh cilantro, but I am in a quandary here because I cannot find that. So pretend there are lovely chopped leaves and a sprig or two of fresh cilantro. There are several things you can stir in or top this with if you want it a little different. My kids are not into chunky food, so I didn't add the apples that I have put in before, very good, or the nuts (cashews are awesome on it). If you want it to have more of a kick add a bit of Cayenne pepper, a sprinkle of paprika is good on it too. Hope you enjoy. The one child that complained just yelled to me from the hallway, "Actually, Mom, I do like the chicken curry." I wonder if that has anything to do with the M & M's her dad brought home from the M & M store in LV. "Things that make you go Hmmmmmmmmmm..."

2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup diced onion, carrot, celery (whatever root veggie you want to use. I had about 1/2 cup left of the roasted pureed veggies I used for the chicken and dumplings soup. So, I just used that.)
3 teaspoons curry powder
6 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 15 oz. can chicken broth
2 cups milk
1/2 to 1 cup cup plain yogurt (It makes it creamy and adds more calcium too)
1/2 cup sweet potato puree (I gotta' sneak the veggies in any time I can.)
1 teaspoon lemon juice
I like to have a diced apple in here too but did not add that this time. When I use an apple I cook it with the onion to ensure that it is cooked all the way. You could probably add it at the end and it would be great too.

Heat oil, add onion or veggie puree and heat through. Blend in flour and spices. Her recipe says cook until mixture is smooth and bubbly, but mine was just kind of pasty. Stir in chicken broth, milk, and yogurt. Bring to a boil while stirring. Add chicken and lemon juice. Serve over rice. I love to top this with fresh cilantro (seriously, I am going through withdrawal. I need to venture out to the Giant grocery store and see if they have any there.) chopped tomatoes, and nuts. Good luck.


d.n.williamson said...

Derek brought the girls M & Ms too. Funny!

kristen said...

They are great and Joe is excited to use the container for his lego guys. But, I about died when I saw the price, $15. How many bags of M&M's would that have purchased? However, I think they were more excited about the M&M's than they were about anything else he brought back from a trip. I like them too.