Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Managing Chaos - What does "I put it away" really mean?

I swear I saw this in "Everybody Love Raymond", but it happened in my life, just this week. Has your husband ever returned from a trip and just kind of left the suitcase that he used out. I hinted at it when I said "Can you please put your dirty laundry in the hamper?" and kicked it out of the way a few times. I think he was unpacking it one outfit at a time, wearing the stuff that was inside each day until it was empty (it is kind of handy to have a mini dresser in the bathroom.) Then I mentioned how I think this was an episode on "ELR" where Raymond leaves the suitcase on the steps for a week and Deborah gives him a hard time everyday. I asked, "Are you waiting to see if I put that away?" He replied, "No." Then that night we are sitting at dinner and the loving husband says, "Guess what I did today?" Now usually he has some animal emergency to tell the kids about to see their little eyes pop out of their heads. He said, "I put the suitcase away." I almost leaped out of my chair and planted one on him at that moment, because I did not have to nag. Maybe he is realizing that he can put his own stuff away, and I don't need to nag him all of the time. This was turning over a new leaf. After dinner I go into the bathroom, almost in tears, to see for myself this new step in our marriage and this is what I see:
This was the resulting conversation:
k-, "Is that away, really?"
m- "I didn't know where to put it." (another classic answer)
k- "With the other suitcases"
m- "It doesn't fit inside of them."
k- "Put it in our newly cleaned and fantastically organized closet."
m- "I didn't know that is where you wanted it."
k- "Just so it is away."
m- "It is away."
k- "Unpacked and still in the bathroom is not "away."
He put it nicely in the closet. Case closed. I guess we all have our own definition of what it means to put something "away". I love my husband and have published this with his permission, just to see if anyone else has this issue, and if you do, to give you a laugh. Have a great day!!


d.n.williamson said...

Derek did in fact get the suitcase out before the trip, so I know he knows where it goes. It was in our closet all week. I moved it to the hallway right by the basement stairs, thinking he'd bring it down. It sat there for a few days, getting tripped over. I then put it at the bottom of the steps. It is still there and probably will be until I put it where it belongs...

kristen said...

Glad to know it is not just me.

Heather said...

Haha! I love it. That totally happens at my house too, even with the boys. Guess we all need a little more training!

kristen said...

Didn't they learn in a class in vet school, "How to unpack all the way when you come home from a conference" or something? They took all those other electives, why was that not included? What did we pay for?

Macey said...

I'm certain Ryan believes he is helping me out if he makes sure his empty Mountain Dew can is "CLOSE" to the garbage can. You know, so I won't have to walk far to throw it away for him. It's a good thing he brings home Money!!

Derek said...

Kristin, you wouldn't believe how many classes (in vet school) it takes to perfect the art of diagnosis, treatment, and follow up of a diaphragmatic hernia. There was little to no time left over for seemingly useless "suitcase putting away" classes.