Friday, February 26, 2010

The Abyss of the Purse - Coupon Contest

On my quest to conquer the stuff that drives me nuts about my house, I ran into my purse. It's more like I had a hard time lifting it and extracting my insurance card that I needed to make an appointment (I almost needed the "jaws of life"). So, this was my mission today. Seriously, my wallet was looking like George Castanza from "Seinfield" in that episode where he gets back problems from sitting on his wallet that is so full of receipts that he can barely shut it. That is me the receipt and coupon junkie. I found coupons in there that expired in 2008. But now it is clutter and crumb free. It only took about 10 minutes. But, I have a contest for you all. If you can guess how many pens I found in my purse I will send you the coupons that are still redeemable that I found in my abyss. The prize is: 11 "Scoopie Points" for Culvers, 1 coupon for the kids (which adults can use too) ice cream from Culvers, and 3 -$4 off coupons for a family size pizza for Papa Murphy's, and a few other PM coupons. (Sorry, this probably only applies to those who live near Culvers and in Elkhorn or Delavan for the Papa Murphy's coupons (they are from "The Shopper"). I will check at the end of the day on Monday and whoever is closest will win the coupons. Good Luck!!

1 comment:

Macey said...

I Guess 27. Finger's crossed!!