Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pet Peave, Part 2

In case you didn't read my blog about the empty TP roll, you can click here.

Another bathroom pet peave of mine is when someone forgets to, or just doesn't care enough to flush (and put the seat down!!! Seriously, how many times have I almost fallen in the potty in the middle of the night because the seat was not put down????)

I hate going in the bathroom and seeing the Yucka left in the toilet.

So, this past week I entered my bathroom only to be greeted by what was left behind by someone else. Gross!!! But, wait a minute. The older 3 kids and Mike are gone. The younger 3 didn't use the potty...Did some stranger sneak in and leave a little surprise for me. That couldn't be mine... could it???

I replayed the day in my head, of course, as I was finishing the phone rang, kids were screaming, I hurried up and washed my How can that be??? I guess it is my bathroom, so it is okay, and I flushed later and cleaned the toilet. Is this TMI?? Sorry. I just had to laugh at myself.


Macey said...

It's never TMI. It's just nice to know I'm not the only one! Hope you're enjoying your break. Is it really a break if the youngest are left with you?

kristen said...

Actually, it has been great to have eggs or cereal for dinner each night, not do laundry as often, and have everything quiet by 8:30. But, I do miss my 6 extra hands and eyes, and their laughs and hugs. They are a big help. I do not miss the bickering and told them if they fight a ton when they get back I am taking them to an Amish farm to work all day until they learn to get along.

kristen said...

My Mom emailed me this and I think it is great:
"The way that I got your brothers to put the seat down was to make them sit on the rim with the seat up and make sure that their bums touched the water. After a few times, the seat was kept down."

Heather said...

haha! I love it. I will have to try your mom's suggestion around here! Granted, I am totally outnumbered when it comes to wanting the seat down. I have just gotten in the habit of always checking. Better safe than sorry!