Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Word Ass-U-Me

One time I had finally had it with my kids fighting. They were continuously thinking the worst of the other's intentions. You know the "he looked at me like this" and "she meant this when she said that, blah, blah blah". I told them to "Stop assuming the worst of each other."

They looked at me and asked what that meant. I sounded out the word and said, "Do you know what it means when you break the word assume down? Assuming makes an 'ass out of u and me', you both look and feel like jerks when you ass-u-me the worst about each other."

They looked at me shocked that I had used the "A word" as we really try to have good language in our home. (The S word is stupid, the D word is dumb and the H word is hate. I had to tell them the real bad ones so that they wouldn't say them if someone told them to.) But, it worked. They stopped fighting for while, but then started to tell each other to stop "ASSuming" the worst. Oh well, at least it worked for awhile.

1 comment:

Elisabeth M Ruch said...

This will come back to haunt you.