Thursday, May 20, 2010

Birthday Cake Ice Cream

Spring and summer mean homemade ice cream in our house. I bought this ice cream maker (Rival brand, at Walmart or Shopko. I will look for a link to it.) last year and LOVE it. It has gel that freezes around it and keeps it cold while it churns the ice cream, so you don't have to worry about all of the salt and ice mess. It makes 1.5 quarts, which is enough for our family. I think I paid about $25 for it, my friend just got one at ALDI for about $20. So worth it. Anyway, I started making this after going to Coldstone Creamery and having their cake ice cream. It is so easy and we make it for everyone's birthday. I am not sure where I found the original recipe, but I did change it by adding more cake mix, and the sprinkles. It was not my idea originally, but I have to thank the genius who thought of this.

2 cups whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar (taste it and see if it is sweet enough. You can add more sugar.)
1 cup yellow cake mix
1 cup milk (I use 1 %, but you can use whatever kind you want)
1 tsp. vanilla
sprinkles (optional)

Mix whipping cream, sugar, and cake mix in a bowl (I use a whisk) until sugar is dissolved and cake mix well blended into cream. Add milk and vanilla. Mix well. Pour into ice cream maker and watch it churn to perfection. When the ice cream maker is done add sprinkles and mix well.


Macey said...

Kristen, is this the same ice-cream you made for me last year? My kids keep asking when I'm going to make it.

Heather said...

Looks yummy!

kristen said...

It is the same ice cream. Don't spend $4 on a dish of it at Coldstone, make it your self and get 1 1/2 quarts for less than $4. It is sooooo good.

controlling craziness said...

Yummy, now I want ice cream. It sounds much easier than the rock salt way. I may have to get us one of these. As long as I keep the ingredients on hand, I could have ice cream whenever. No more waiting for the weekly shopping trip.

kristen said...

I love having that ice cream maker and being able to make it on demand. I just keep whipping cream on hand and we usually have everything else. There are a ton of recipes online and it is fun to make up your own too. You can use yogurt instead and it works great as well. Have fun with it.