Tuesday, August 10, 2010

SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! T minus 17 and counting

One of my favorite, (I say that about just about all of them) episodes of Seinfeld episodes is when George's dad tries to lower his stress by saying "Serenity Now" to himself when he feels stressed or upset. By the end of the episode he is raising his fists to the heavens shouting "SERENITY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Well, school starts in 18 more days and I am shouting from my roof top "SERENITY NOW!!!" I love having the kids home and spending time with them. But it is the:

"Mom. can I get up yet? Are you awake?" at 6:30 ( I have made a rule that before 7 AM is my quiet time, but it is not adhered to.)
"Mom, when can I play the computer?" at 7:15 AM My new answer is "never o' clock"
"Mom, what are we having for lunch?" - Seriously, we just finished breakfast, I'm not telling (because I have no idea).
"Mom, can I hold Maddy when she wakes up?" I just got her to sleep for a 3 hour nap (I hope).
"Mom, I'm bored." We had a family home evening and made a whole list of what you can do besides watching TV and going on the computer. "But I don't want to do any of that." Well, then I guess you need a job to do. Here's the broom.
My threat for when they refuse to work together and get along is: If you can't work hard and get along with your brother/sister I am going to take you to an Amish farm where you can wear hot (not attractive, but uncomfortable) clothing and work outside in the sun all day. Is that what you want? Their eyes get big, No, I don't want that.

I know, I know, "I will miss these days." I am enjoying summer, most of it. We have just had a crazy time between moving and the baby coming that it is hard for me to get out and do all of the fun things that I would like to do with them. They are great kids and I know I will cry the first day of school, I always do.

1 comment:

d.n.williamson said...

Super funny post. Made me laugh. Thanks. Darn Walworth County Fair...our count down is at 25.