Monday, October 4, 2010

What does nonixylocspx spell, Mom???


I have a daughter in Kindergarten who is dying to learn how to read. She wants to do everything her siblings are doing. She "reads" books that she has memorized out loud and does not like being corrected when she skips some words. Recently she has decided that any group of letters that she writes together is a word or a story. She will often write things and then ask me what word it is. When I sound it out she tells me that is not what it says and then tells me what she wants it to say. It is like filling out one of those security words online when you want to leave a comment on the website. I sat down and made a "sounds book" with her today so that she can start putting the sounds together. She is a trip, I know I will miss these days when they are gone - or so I am told anyway.

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