Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sorry, My Name Is Mom Too

This weekend Mike took the older 4 kids to go see "Megamind" at our realtor's client appreciation day. (He rents out the local movie theater and invites all of his clients, it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!). This left me a chance to go to the store to buy some essentials that were on sale for SUPER CHEAP (brown sugar and powdered sugar for 99 cents a bag) without the older kids who beg me to buy things that would totally eliminate the money I save buying something on sale.

So, I am pushing my 2 year old and 4 month old in the cart and my 2 year old is babbling about something. I hear someone say, "Mom, can I get this...plEASE?????????" (you know, the please that starts out low and then gets louder and higher pitched at the end as they beg for you to get something for them.) I hear myself reply, out of habit, "Sorry honey, we are not going to get that today, it isn't on sale." I look up at the kid, he is looking at me as if to say, "Who on earth are you?" and I am totally embarrassed. I apologize and say, "Sorry, buddy, Mom is my name too."

And then I push my cart away as fast as I can. Seriously, I need to change my name.