Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Can Someone, Anyone, Spare a Square????"

I love that Seinfeld episode where Elaine is in the public restroom and her stall is out of TP, so she asks the lady next to her to "spare a square." The woman refuses, and ends up being Jerry's date. Love that episode, as well as the one where George's dad celebrates "Festivus for the rest of us", and the Soup Nazi, I could go on and on. Anyway, my point...

My friend and I went out shopping and I had to use the potty before the 1/2 hour ride home. I finish my business and look to my right... to my alarm there is NO TP. NOT A SINGLE SHRED. And I had left my purse with my friend outside of the restroom. WHAT'S A GIRL TO DO??????????

Do I waddle to the next stall and hope no one comes in and is blinded by my huge white behind?

Do I drip dry, no that is too gross.

In the midst of my panic I see a way out of this mess. Below the wall of the stall to my right was a square. I pulled on it, and more came out. Thankfully, a mess and huge embarrassment was avoided that evening, I got some squares.

So, if you are ever stuck (I usually check if there is TP before I go, but I forgot, of course) in this situation, if no one is in the stall next to you, you can reach up into the next stall, discretely, and get a few squares. If someone is next to you, that would be creepy, so don't do it.

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