Wednesday, September 29, 2010

"Mom, is my nose growin?"

One of my rules is that the kids have to have their clothes picked up and beds made before they can watch TV or play on the computer (doesn't always happen, but I try). My youngest son asked if he could watch TV, so I asked him "Is your bed made?" knowing full well that it was not. He gives me the sweetest smile and says, "Yes." I ask him again if it is made and he nods his head, "Yes, it is." I look at him and say, "David, I don't think your bed is made." Instead of asking me if my super power "X-Ray Eyes" are working he says, "Mom, is my nose growin?" I looked at him and said, "Yes, it is because you told me you made your bed and you really didn't." He raised his eyebrows and his eyes got super wide as he felt his nose. "No it's not, your just kiddin." It was really funny.

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