Monday, June 21, 2010

A 9 Year Old's "Train of Thought"

While I was cleaning out my clutter bin and trying to organize for our move I came upon this assignment that Joe wrote earlier in the year. It was his "Train of Thought" assignment, basically he had to write a paragraph, and they use pictures of a train to help them see where different sentences should go in a paragraph. Here it is:

My Family:
My Family is very important to me. First, I would like to tell you about my parents. They are both good cooks. They both play basketball well (he should have written that mom's jump shot rocks, and dad has the leaping skills of a gazelle, but I will forgive him on this one). Second I want to tell you about my pet. My dog, Jeter, likes to play fetch and barks a lot. Third, I'd like to tell you about my brother and sisters, Sam, Danielle, and David (he left out Abby). They are sometimes mean and gross. In conclusion, my family is awesome.

A barking dog and mean and gross siblings make for an awesome family. Glad he likes us.


Heather said...

Haha! I love the thought process.

Delaps said...

Very cute report. Funny that he left out one sibling, but the dog made the cuts.