Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Did It!!

I set a goal at the beginning of the year to run a half marathon. I did it this weekend, it was great. I was worried because I had not slept well the entire week (I think 1 hour of sleep the night before.) We had a beautiful day and it was awesome to run with my step sister. We ran the whole time, except to get a drink and a potty break after mile 7. We completed the course in 2:15:55. I was shocked, because I really didn't think I would be able to do it in under 2:30. This is what I learned from this experience:

I can do hard things. I got up several mornings at 4:30, after nursing a baby a few times too, and ran a long run. It was tough, but I felt so good after those runs, like I could do anything.

If I can discipline myself to get up THAT early and run for THAT long, then surely I can have some self control over my eating.

It is really 90% mental.

I didn't use any music or any MP3 player the entire time I trained. Those early morning runs were a time of self-reflection and meditation. I really got a lot of answers to prayers during those times.

Running with someone makes the journey so much easier. Molly was an awesome running partner. We talked about our lives, growing up, etc. It was almost like therapy. When we had the steepest hill, she encouraged me to keep digging in. This hill was seriously a killer.

It was a great experience and I will probably do another one in another year or two. If I can do it, anyone can do it.


Macey said...

I have to disagree Kristen. I'm pretty sure you have super powers that not everyone possesses. You are amazing!!! Congratulations! I Miss You!

Taylor Swim said...

WOW!! Congrats! You are amazing. You inspire me. What a woman!